
5 Habits to avoid for better Oral Health

Practicing a healthy lifestyle means taking care of our physical and mental health.

Speaking of physical healthy? Did you know that taking care of your dental health is equally important as the rest of the body? Practicing good dental hygiene is key to maintaining good oral heath 

Unfortunately, we have oral habits that are hard to get past. More than80% of Kenyans currently suffer from oral problems. These bad habits tend to have a long-term negative impact on one’s oral health and general health.  

While It’s easy to overlook the small things that make a big difference in maintaining an amazing Smile. let’s dive in to the top 5 habits that may be doing harm on your teeth. 

But of course, shifting to healthier oral habits include a change in lifestyle as well. So, if you have some terrible oral habits, how may be the time to stop them. I have a bad oral habit? It’s time to find out if you have one.


5 Oral Habits You Need to Avoid for a better oral health

1.       Brushing too hard 

Brushing your teeth is a crucial step to good oral health. But the question is are you brushing the right way, and using the right tooth brush? Brushing too hard may do you more harm than good, as it could wear away, the enamel of your teeth and cause gum recession which results in teeth sensitivity and aids in teeth decay.

How to break the habit

Instead of brushing too hard using a hard-bristles tooth brush, use a soft tooth brush and brush for 3 minutes using the right brushing technique. This helps remove buildup of plaque just as well without damaging your gums and teeth.

2.       Jaw clenching or teeth grinding 

Jaw clenching and griding teeth is a common oral habit. It can happen during the day or even when you are asleep. Teeth grinding can cause your teeth to wear out and leas to nerves exposure. The pressure of grinding and clenching can cause gum and teeth damage and also lead to dental abscess 


How to break the habit 

If you find your-self grinding or clenching your jaw, it is best advised to visit your dentist about getting a mouth guard to use while sleeping to alleviate pressure from your teeth and gums.


3.       Smoking and use of Tobacco 

Its no secret that smoking has a huge negative impact on one’s health. Your oral health is no exception to that. Just like tobacco and Khat chewing, smoking Cigarettes can also teeth staining, decay and gum disease due to bacterial plaque. In worst case scenario smoking can cause mouth cancer

How to break the habit 

Quitting smoking is also the best step to take for this habit. It is important to consult with your doctor on the best strategy to take on to quit smoking 


4.       Using tooth picks too often 


Using picks once in a while is not really bad idea, sometimes it can be quite irritating to have a when a piece of food is stuck between your teeth and you cant get it out.  Tooth picks can be useful I such scenarios BUT remember toothpicks cannot reach all the difficult spots between your teeth. Tooth picks are often very sharp and they may poke and harm your gums. If used regularly these damages your gums.


How to break the habit 

Using dental approved methods to remove food stuck between teeth like flossing, water picks and visit the dentist when you have cavities that pack food and have them fixed, to prevent food packing inside the teeth. 



5.       Poor oral hygiene 

This is the most terrible habit one can have is poor oral hygiene. If you are NOT the type who regularly brush their teeth, use mouth and floss your teeth at least in the morning and before going to bed it is time to brush of that habit. Poor oral hygiene can lead to dental cavities and in the long-term loss of teeth, cancer and diabetes

How to break the habit

Practice good oral hygiene and develop a routine by brushing at least two times a day, flossing once a day, using mouth wash and avoid all the above bad oral habits. Also make sure to set an appointment with your dentist regularly. It’s not just about avoiding cavities, it about keeping that grin winning for the long haul.


Contact Baraka Smiles Dental for the best dental care +254745200000 / +254726405187  or visit us at Kahawa Wendani, Magunas supermarket building 3rd floor rm 67 

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Email info@barakasmiles.com
Address Kahawa Wendani, Magunas Supermarket Building, Nairobi-Kenya
Kahawa Wendani, Magunas Supermarket Building, Nairobi-Kenya